Grade level:
8Approximate Lesson Duration:
2-3 blocksUnit/Lesson New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS):
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-8.7 – Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-8.2 – Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-8.1 – Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources.
6.3.12.D.1 – Analyze the impact of current governmental practices and laws
affecting national security and/or individual civil rights/ privacy
TECH.8.1.12.C.CS2 – Communicate information and ideas to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats
Brief Summary of Cultural Competencies Related to the Unit/Lesson:
What makes this lesson culturally relevant?
The 2003 murder of Sakia Gunn in Newark, NJ was a hate crime that mobilized friends, and family into action, and marked a turning point in Newark queer history. The events that led up to and followed their death demonstrates how structural systems of social control intersect and overlap in numerous ways, influencing beliefs and actions of people across and within groups. In learning about Sakia Gunn, their death, and response to it in the community and across local and national media outlets through analysis of primary and secondary materials, students can develop an understanding of the persistence of systems such as patriarchy, hyper-masculinity, homophobia, and racism, with the hopeful result of developing a comprehensive toolkit to confront and dismantle them.
Lesson Overview:
- In what ways can access to “safe spaces” within one’s community contribute to the mental and physical health of young adults?
- How can community action play a role in local political processes?
- In what ways do patriarchy, concepts of masculine and feminine ability and appearance ideals, and social norms influence access gender non conforming individuals’ have to personal freedom, safe spaces, and human dignity?
- How have economic, political, and cultural decisions promoted or prevented the growth of personal freedom, individual responsibility, equality, and respect for human dignity?
The obstacles individuals face today based upon their race, religion, gender or sexual identity are a result of long-standing structures created over many centuries by individuals and like-minded groups.
In a society built upon multiple, overlapping systems of hierarchy and privilege, opportunity, representation, and access are unequally distributed to individuals.
This unequal distribution is based upon value assumptions frequently (but not always) made by individuals and groups not belonging to the same group as those most affected.
Power, Opportunity, Access, and Representation are equally shared by all within society.
The intersections of the systems of patriarchy, capitalism, settler colonialism, and white supremacy in America mean that one cannot treat all individuals in America as a monolithic block, with similar access to opportunities, and representation.
Power, opportunity, access, and representation is always shared equally within groups that combine multiple groups.
Learning plan, experiences, intstruction and learning activities:
What is Expected?
- List the intentional learning objectives on the board.
Students will be able to:
- Discuss and collectively develop a definition for the words “safe” and “safety”
- Review and discuss current glossary of LGBTQIA+ terms
- Review features of the systems of Patriarchy, and Heterosexism, and their respective enforcement mechanisms misogyny and homophobia
- Learn about the life and death of Sakia Gunn, a Black, gay, gender-fluid teen through analysis of primary and secondary sources
- Analyze materials related to the community, local, and regional response to Sakia Gunn’s murder
- Complete Essential Content Graphic Organizer
- Discuss how multiple systems can simultaneously influence an individual or group’s access to power, opportunity, representation, and basic human necessities.
- Discuss the concept of “Safe Spaces” and how social systems can either reduce/eliminate them or create/expand the presence of them in society
Today we will be working on… Analyzing documents related to the life and death of Sakia Gunn to better understanding how multiple systems of social hierarchy can simultaneously remove/reduce individual and group access to power, opportunity, and representation in a community and society.
What is expected?
How will we hook (Introduce this to) the students?
- Activate thinking
- Consider the language you will use to introduce the lesson (See example in the table)
Link to Engagement
Recently, we…
Learned about the system of patriarchy, its features, and how it influenced not only colonial life in America but every period after through to the present. Today we will be examining how patriarchy, along with the system of heterosexism, influences the lives of individuals and related groups. We will be doing this by learning about Sakia Gunn, a Black, gay, gender-fluid teen who was murdered in 2003 in Newark, NJ.
Turn and talk to a partner about…
- What the words “ safe” and “safety” mean to you.
How might access or lack of access to these things influence a person’s life?
You are really beginning to understand how something as seemingly basic and overlooked as the ability to feel safe and have ready access to that right can have far-reaching consequences for the lives of people in our society. Today, we’re going to dig deeper with a new focus. This focus is… understanding how multiple systems of social hierarchy can simultaneously work to limit or remove individuals or group access to basic human rights such as safety and the ability to find safe spaces within which to thrive.
What equipment, resources, or materials are needed?
Materials for this lesson include …(materials listed below will be provided)
- PFLAG LGBTQIA+ Glossary of Terms (June 2019)
- The Murder of Sakia Gunn and LGBT Anti-Violence Mobilization, from
- She Didn’t Have to Die, an op-ed by Keith Boykin (5/13/03 original publish date)
- Excerpts from Small Murders: Rethinking News Coverage of Hate Crimes against GLBT People, Kim Pearson, chapter 9 of News and Sexuality: Media Portraits of Diversity
- Sakia Gunn Remembered, an op-ed by Keith Boykin (5/11/04 original publish date)
- Essential Content Graphic Organizer
How will we rethink or revise our thinking throughout the lesson?
- What learning is confirmed?
- What misconceptions are uncovered?
- What is your new thinking?
- As students are analyzing the related texts, discussing and evaluating their and their classmates’ reflections, questions from the graphic organizer, teacher, and guiding questions should help the class frame questions such as
- “Who is affected by the discussed or related event or outcome?
- “What societal concepts are promoted or prevented by the event or outcome?”
- Conversations about hierarchy, preservation of social order, and power can all be transitioned into for more extensive conversations utilizing related texts
- Misconceptions that will most likely be uncovered:
- Power, Opportunity, Access, and Representation are equally shared by all within society
- Reasoning with factual evidence is enough to always convince individuals or groups that long-held beliefs or understandings should be set aside for the benefit of individuals or groups outside of their own, or even within their group.
- Individuals or groups do not knowingly create systems of privilege and advantage for themselves, at the expense of others considered outside of the dominant group.
- Power, opportunity, access, and representation is always shared equally within groups that combine multiple groups. (i.e., Men or women across racial, religious groups, etc.)
- New thinking that considers how laws, social mores, beliefs, and actions can have different intents, and outcomes-based upon what individual or group is the actor and what individual or group is the focus of the action(s) will develop.
- Use of contextualization and empathy, increased rigor, intellectual honesty, and reflection when considering past, present, and future action are hopeful eventual individual outcomes.
How will students self-evaluate and reflect on their learning?
- Completing the related graphic organizer, along with whole-class discussion and individual/small group reflection and discussion will assist students with self-evaluation and reflection on their learning.
How will we tailor learning to varied needs, interests, and learning styles?
Follow all IEP/504 plan modifications.
- Introduce key vocabulary before the lesson.
- Work in small groups.
- Level texts according to ability.
- Provided guided notes, written instructions and/or scaffold outline.
- Use visual aids.
How will we organize the sequence of learning during the lesson?
Scaffold the Instruction
- Model
- The teacher will lead the class in the review of the systems of patriarchy and heterosexism, making sure to highlight their respective enforcement mechanisms misogyny and homophobia. This will ensure a more comprehensive evaluation and discussion of materials later in the lesson.
- The teacher will review the PFLAG LGBTQIA+ Glossary of Terms, again to ensure a more comprehensive evaluation and discussion of materials later in the lesson.
- Guided Practice
- Students will analyze primary and secondary documents based on established procedures for sourcing, contextualization, corroboration, and close reading.
- A copy of the Stanford History Education Group (SHEG) Historical Thinking Chart has been provided for guidance on sourcing, contextualization, corroboration, and close reading.
- Working in small groups, students will analyze primary and secondary documents to learn about the life and death of Sakia Gunn, as well as to understand key features of anti-LGBTQ violence mobilization in different spaces in New Jersey in the early ’00s within these key areas:
- Leaders of anti-LGBTQ violence mobilization related to this and other events
- Groups
- Events
- Historical Content
- Opposition
- Tactics
- Connections
- Students will analyze primary and secondary documents based on established procedures for sourcing, contextualization, corroboration, and close reading.
- Independent Practice
- Student analyses of the provided materials, which will also be recorded in the provided organizer.
- Optional development of a larger constructed response based upon guided practice questions and graphic organizers.
- Potential extension activity: Utilizing Project-Based Learning (PBL), students will work in small groups in order to evaluate the availability of after school/evening/weekend gathering safe spaces within their community. After evaluation, small groups will develop a plan for creating or expanding the availability and access to spaces (or coordinate transportation to/from) where LGBTQIA+ teens and young adults can safely congregate.
Check for understanding:
Teachers should monitor written and verbal responses for understanding and frequently check in on the progress of the students to see that they are completing the task at hand.
- Ongoing brief Q/A check-ins throughout the lesson
- Student responses to class and small group discussion
- Student Responses to Graphic Organizer
(attach copy of assessment)
(attach rubric)
For the independent extension activity, rubrics for the Project-Based Model will be provided.
There are many options for a summative performance task. A potential task includes having students craft a constructed response utilizing three or four related documents to substantiate the claim(s) of their responses.
Supplemental Resources:
- GLSEN Guide for Best Practices
- PFLAG LGBTQIA+ Glossary of Terms (June 2019)
- The Murder of Sakia Gunn and LGBT Anti-Violence Mobilization, from
- She Didn’t Have to Die, an op-ed by Keith Boykin (5/13/03 original publish date)
- Excerpts from Small Murders: Rethinking News Coverage of Hate Crimes against GLBT People, Kim Pearson, chapter 9 of News and Sexuality: Media Portraits of Diversity
- Sakia Gunn Remembered, an op-ed by Keith Boykin (5/11/04 original publish date)
- Essential Content Graphic Organizer Teaching Tolerance
- PBLWorks 6-8 Collaboration Rubric (Buck Institute for Education)
- PBLWorks 6-8 Presentation Rubric (Buck Institute for Education)