Grade level:


Approximate Lesson Duration:

1-2 days

Unit/Lesson New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS):

7.1.IH.A.1  Analyze and critique information contained in culturally authentic materials using electronic information and other sources related to a variety of familiar and some unfamiliar topics.
7.1.IH.A.2  Demonstrate comprehension of spoken and written language as expressed by speakers of the target language in formal and informal settings, through appropriate responses.
7.1.IH.A.5 Synthesize information from oral and written discourse dealing with a variety of topics.
7.1.IH.B.4  Ask and respond to questions as part of a group discussion of topics and situations of a personal, academic, or social nature.
7.1.IH.B.5 Engage in oral and/or written discourse in a variety of timeframes on topics of personal or social interest or on topics studied in other content areas.
7.1.IH.C.1  Explain and compare how a cultural perspective led to the development of a cultural product or cultural practice in the target culture(s) and in one’s own culture, through a multimedia – rich presentation to be shared virtually with a target language audience.
7.1.IH.C.5  Explain cultural perspectives associated with the target culture(s), as evidenced by the cultural products and cultural practices associated with the target culture(s), and compare these perspectives with those of one’s own culture.

Brief Summary of Cultural Competencies Related to the Unit/Lesson:

Students will explore the work of a French artist who is on the autism spectrum. They will identify elements of the work that reflect different aspects of her identity.  

Lesson Overview:

Essential Question(s)
  • How do the arts both challenge and reflect cultural perspectives? 
  • How are aspects of identity expressed in various situations?
  • How do developments in science and technology affect our lives?
Enduring Understanding(s)

An individual’s identity can evolve over time. Exploring the work of artists across cultures can lead to a better understanding of the shared human experience. Diverse disciplines such as the arts and sciences often intersect.

Potential Misconceptions

Students may find the entries in govy’s photographic diary difficult to interpret. 

Learning plan, experiences, intstruction and learning activities:

What is Expected?
  • List the intentional learning objectives on the board.

Students will be able to:

  • Identify aspects of govy’s work that reflect her identity and culture
  • Identify aspects of govy’s work that are common to the human experience
  • Express their opinion of govy’s work in the target language
  • Explain in the target language how developments in science and technology relate to govy’s spacetime coordinates project



What is expected?
How will we hook (Introduce this to) the students?
  • Activate thinking
  • Consider the language you will use to introduce the lesson (See example in the table)

I would suggest placing this in the Personal and Public Identity unit, after the Beauty and Esthetics and Science units.  In this way, the sub-themes of the effects of technology on society, the visual arts, alienation and assimilation, and multiculturalism can all be incorporated into the lesson. It could be placed in any of the units, however.  As preparation for the lesson, I would ask students to read the article from the Quebec Huffington Post entitled: La neurodiversité: concevoir l’autisme autrement.

The teacher will  activate the students’ prior knowledge from the previous units by asking them to create a word wall (either electronically at, on large white paper, or on the board) with the vocabulary that they have retained from the units on Beauty and Science in order to determine whether supplemental vocabulary is needed in order to begin the lesson.  Students will then be asked to do a pair-share in the target language about what they understood from the article that they read for homework. The teacher can circulate and correct any misconceptions and/or add any information that is lacking.

What equipment, resources, or materials are needed?

The materials needed for this lesson are:

  • Projector
  • Computers
  • Venn diagrams
How will we rethink or revise our thinking throughout the lesson?
  • What learning is confirmed?
  • What misconceptions are uncovered?
  • What is your new thinking?

The goal is for students to revise their thinking about autism and neurodivergence. The activities of the lesson will enable students to find more commonality of experience with the artist and perhaps adjust their understanding of different aspects of identity.

How will students self-evaluate and reflect on their learning?

The Venn diagram and the exit slip will encourage students to reflect on aspects of identity.

How will we tailor learning to varied needs, interests, and learning styles?

Information in the lesson is presented in various formats: written, visual, oral.  Students who are hesitant to share ideas orally may share written ideas with their group. Small group work allows the teacher to circulate and assist as needed.

How will we organize the sequence of learning during the lesson?

Scaffold the Instruction

  1. Model: The teacher will ask students to write down three words that they would use to describe their identity. (ex: un eleve, un athlete, une amie, etc.)  Students who are willing to share will be asked to do so.  Then the teacher will ask students if those three words could have described them 5 years ago, and whether the words will describe them 5 years from now.  Once the concept of evolving identity has been established, the teacher can move on with the guided practice activity.
  2. Guided Practice: The teacher will project entries from govy’s photographic journal (April 13 and April 3rd of the following year lend themselves to this activity), and explain that this is the diary of the artist that was assembled over the course of a year.  In groups, I would ask students to complete a Venn Diagram with elements of the journal images that indicate that she is French, elements that may relate to neurodivergent thinking, and elements that could be considered part of the common human experience.  Students will share their responses and state whether they agree/disagree with the characterizations of the other groups. 
  3. Independent Practice: students will then be directed to individually explore govy’s work on the Spacetime Coordinates project. (link below). In this portion of the lesson, students will be asked to do two things:
    • compare and contrast the photographic journal with the more recent spacetime coordinates project (students are encouraged to use expressions for expressing opinions, such as “à mon avis” as well as descriptive adjectives)
    • Identify the connection between science and art in this project.Students will then be asked to share their ideas with their group.

Check for understanding:

(Formative evidence such as conferencing, group Q/A, teacher observation, exit-slip, etc.)

The teacher will monitor group discussions and provide feedback and direction as needed.  Students will be asked to complete a google form exit slip at the end of the lesson indicating whether their feelings towards govy’s work and the artist have changed over the course of the lesson and how.

Quiz/Test (optional):
(attach copy of assessment)

If the teacher chooses, students can be quizzed on the vocabulary from the word wall that they created at the beginning of the lesson.

Performance Task/Project:
(attach rubric)

govy invites questions and comments on her work at her site  Students will be asked to write a professional email to govy in which they make observations, state their opinions and ask questions. They must use the conventions for a formal email and follow the guidelines outlined on the AP scoring rubric for interpersonal written communication.


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